本次文献选自Cutri RM, Shakya D, Shibata SB. Neuralgia and Atypical Facial, Ear, and Head Pain. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2022 Jun;55(3):595-606.本次学习由谢珺田副主任医师主讲。
After identifying MPDS as the cause of a patient’s pain, it is importantto explain the psychophysiologic nature of their illness. Stress can be anunderlying provocation of MPDS, so patient counseling on exercise, deepbreathing, and relaxation techniques may help improve symptoms. Other thanlifestyle modifications, there are several pharmacologic and nonpharmacologictreatments that can relieve myofascial pain. Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs,TCAs) may be prescribed in the presence of mood disorders, and amitriptyline,in particular, has been shown to be effective in several trials.Benzodiazepines may improve symptoms, but should not be used for long-term treatmentdue to their side effect profile. Botulinum toxin has an off-label use in the treatmentof myofascial pain, but literature on its effectiveness is mixed. Therapeutic ultrasoundis a newer technique that can help treat myofascial pain through applyingmechanical and thermal energy to connective tissues, improving circulation,metabolism, and tissue pliability. Dry needling, also referred to as intramuscularstimulation, has been shown to be an effective treatment for pain relief. Itinvolves the insertion of needles directly into the trigger point which damagesthe motor-end plate, resulting in the denervation of muscles and relaxation oftrigger points. Other less studied treatments include NSAIDs, muscle relaxants(cyclobenzaprine, tizanidine), lidocaine patches, and manipulative therapy(OMT). Myofascial pain syndrome typically resolves with continued treatment;however, many patients may suffer from the condition for decades. Outcomes arebest when patients are treated by a multidisciplinary team consisting ofphysicians, nurses, and physiotherapists.
Facial neuralgias are characterized by recurrentelectric-shock-like pain attacks that occur in the distribution of variouscranial nerves.
Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is the most common of thefacial neuralgias and presents with pain in the distribution of the trigeminalnerve, commonly in maxillary (V2) and mandibular (V3) nerve distributions.
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia (GPN) and geniculateneuralgia (GN) are rarer and cause pain via the glossopharyngeal andintermedius nerves typically affecting the posterior wall of the external earcanal.
Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome (MPDS) ischaracterized by chronic pain in various trigger points, fascial constrictions,and pressure sensitivities.
Neuroimaging including CT and MRI should be includedin the initial work up of facial neuralgias to identify causes of possiblenerve compression as well as other causes of the patient’s facial pain.
Pharmacologic therapy for TN, GPN, and GN includesanticonvulsants (namely carbamazepine), analgesics, steroids, andantidepressants (TCAs) listed in Table1.
Surgical management includes microvasculardecompression, rhizotomy, gamma knife radiosurgery, balloon compression, andinternal neurolysis.
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